
The Army has appointed a medical EFMP office for each state and every country around the world to allow Soldiers and their Families to ask questions,
obtain assistance, and to process EFMP documentation.

There are two maps – one for the United States, including Alaska and Hawaii, and one for the world.

Please click on the state, the state abbreviation, or the country of your current assignment location, to be connected to the appropriate EFMP medical office
via email. Some states are divided due to their size and number of medical facilities that support that state.

If you click on a state that has more than one medical EFMP office, all applicable email addresses will be available to you. Please see the corresponding state
maps to determine which medical EFMP office you should be contacting for your area.

For the following states, please view the map to see which medical EFMP office you need to contact:

New York

Please note:  If your Family lives in another state and you are attempting to complete a Family member travel screening for an overseas assignment, please
click on the state your Family lives in, to connect with the appropriate medical office for assistance.