Dis-enrolling Family Members - Dis-enrolling Soldiers
Remember that the primary purpose of the EFMP is to ensure that the medical and/or educational needs of Family members are considered in the assignment coordination process.
If a Family member's medical or educational needs change, and they no longer meet the eligibility requirements for the EFMP, they should be unregistered from EFMP. Likewise, if a Family member is no longer Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) eligible, they should be unregistered from the EFMP. Once a Solder has no Family members with special needs registered in the EFMP, the EFMP office initiates the process to disenroll the Soldier from the program. Disenrollment removes the EFMP flag from the Soldier's personnel record.
Shown are six common reasons for requesting disenrollment from the EFMP. Select each category for more information on procedures for disenrollment.